Instruction to creating autopsy template for AI Scriber

Step-by-step guide on using AI-assisted autopsy report templates. Learn to adjust your approach, download templates, and effectively utilize AI scribes to enhance your workflow.

Ai writing autopsy report

In today’s fast-paced professional world, report writing often consumes valuable time that could be better spent on core tasks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers a solution, promising to cut report writing time by at least 30% while maintaining or even improving quality. But how can professionals across various fields – from medicine to law, HR to government – harness this technology effectively?
Key insights include:
• Steps to streamline your report writing process using AI
• Strategies for overcoming common challenges in AI implementation
• The importance of maintaining regulatory compliance, including HIPAA standards
• Real-world examples of AI’s impact beyond medical reporting
Discover how you can free yourself from the burden of paperwork and focus on what truly matters in your profession.

Prompting for Autopsy Reports Using Language Input

Writing a perfect autopsy report using Artificial Intelligence

Writing autopsy reports requires precision, clarity, and consistency. When using AI to assist in this process, it is crucial to craft prompts that guide the AI in generating text that meets these exacting standards. Here are some key rules for prompting AI to write autopsy reports effectively, along with examples based on a sample report.

1. Be Specific with Sections

Always use unambiguous language in your prompts. The AI will only produce accurate and relevant results if it fully understands your instructions. Vague or poorly structured prompts can lead to incomplete or incorrect outputs.

When prompting AI, the command must be as precise as possible. For example, instead of saying, “Describe the injuries,” a more effective prompt would be, “Describe the blunt force injuries to the head, including specific measurements and locations of lacerations and contusions.”


Prompt: “Describe the injuries on the right leg, focusing on any fractures, lacerations, and contusions.”

AI Response: “A 7.0 x 6.0-centimeter red-blue contusion is on the medial aspect of the right leg. An open fracture with exposure of hemorrhagic bone and soft tissue is on the right leg 10.5 cm above the heel.”

Clearly define each section of the report. Mention the specific headers and subsections you want the AI to follow.


Prompt: “Write the ‘External Examination’ section describing the physical appearance and any visible injuries on the body. Include detailed descriptions of the skin color, scars, and any external medical interventions.”

AI Response: “The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished 68-inch, 143-pound male who appears to be the reported age of 40. The skin is pale tan and slightly icteric…”

2. Use Consistent Terminology

Ensure the AI uses consistent terminology throughout the report. Define specific medical terms and phrases you want it to use repeatedly.


AI Response: “Blunt force injuries of the head and neck: Skull fractures, cervical spine fracture. Blunt force injuries of the torso: Bilateral palpable rib fractures…”

3. The Need for Examples: Guiding the AI

2. Use Consistent Terminology

Ensure the AI uses consistent terminology throughout the report. Define specific medical terms and phrases you want it to use repeatedly.


Prompt: “Use the phrase ‘blunt force injuries’ consistently when describing all related injuries in the head, torso, and extremities.”

AI Response: “Blunt force injuries of the head and neck: Skull fractures, cervical spine fracture. Blunt force injuries of the torso: Bilateral palpable rib fractures…”

3. The Need for Examples: Guiding the AI

 Provide examples whenever possible. Examples not only clarify what you expect but also serve as a template for the AI to follow. This is especially useful for complex sections where the AI might struggle to produce the desired output.

Explanation: Just as a forensic pathologist relies on established protocols to ensure consistency, providing examples to AI helps it maintain the same consistency across different reports. Examples also help to avoid misinterpretations that can occur with more general instructions.


Prompt: “For the ‘Internal Examination’ section, describe the condition of the heart. Example: ‘The heart weighs 350 grams and shows no evidence of coronary artery disease. The coronary arteries are patent, with mild atherosclerosis.’”

AI Response: “The heart weighs 350 grams and shows no evidence of coronary artery disease. The four cardiac chambers do not contain mural thrombi or thromboemboli…”

4. Combining Clarity and Examples for Optimal Results

 Combine clear commands with well-chosen examples to guide the AI effectively. This ensures that the AI understands what to do and has a clear model to replicate.

Explanation: By combining clarity of command with specific examples, you reduce the likelihood of errors and ensure that the AI’s output is accurate and detailed. This is particularly important in sections that require a high level of detail, such as describing injuries or summarizing findings.


Prompt: “In the ‘Evidence of Injury’ section, list the injuries using bullet points. Example: ‘- Blunt force injuries of the head and neck: Skull fractures, cervical spine fracture.’”

AI response:

Evidence of Injury:

– Blunt force injuries of the head and neck: Skull fractures, cervical spine fracture.

– Blunt force injuries of the torso: Bilateral palpable rib fractures…

5. Demand Detailed Descriptions

 Request detailed and specific descriptions for injuries or findings. Indicate the type of description needed—whether quantitative (measurements) or qualitative (color, texture).


Prompt: “Describe the injuries on the right arm with specific measurements and color descriptions.”

AI Response: “A 7.0-centimeter laceration is on the lateral and posterior aspects of the right arm. A 4.0 x 4.0-centimeter red-blue contusion is on the right antecubital fossa…”

6. Iterative Refinement: Revising AI Outputs

 After receiving the AI’s output, review it critically and provide feedback for necessary revisions. Specify what needs to be adjusted, whether it’s clarity, detail, or the structure of the text.

Explanation: AI may not always get it right on the first try. Therefore, be prepared to refine the prompts and guide the AI toward the desired result. This iterative process is key to achieving the highest quality in your autopsy reports.


Prompt: “The description of the abdominal injuries is too vague. Revise to include specific details about each injury’s location, size, and nature.”

AI Response: “Confluent abrasions are on the lower aspect of the right side of the back. The pelvis has comminuted fractures involving the left sacroiliac joint, left iliac bone, and left pubic bone…”

7. Structuring Complex Sections: Handling Detailed Descriptions

 Break down complex sections into manageable parts and guide the AI through each step. This ensures that the AI provides a thorough and complete description.

Explanation: In sections where multiple findings need to be described, such as the ‘Internal Examination,’ it’s helpful to break the task into smaller prompts. This approach helps the AI to focus on each aspect and reduces the chance of omitting important details.


Prompt: “Describe the condition of the lungs in the ‘Respiratory System’ subsection. Include the weight, appearance of the pleural surfaces and any findings in the pulmonary parenchyma.”

AI Response: “The right and left lungs weigh 475 grams and 450 grams, respectively. The pleural surfaces are smooth and glistening. The pulmonary parenchyma is congested and exudes frothy pink fluid on manual compression…”

8. Include Ancillary Sections

 Ensure the AI includes all necessary ancillary sections, such as toxicology, microscopy, and ancillary tests.


Prompt: “Include a ‘Toxicology’ section summarizing the results from the toxicology report.”

AI Response: “Toxicology: Blood samples are positive for nordiazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam. Ethanol was not detected.”

9. Define Formatting and Structure

Clearly defining the structure and formatting is crucial for ensuring that the AI produces appropriate text for an autopsy report. In autopsy reports, narrative text is used exclusively, and bullet points or lists are seldom appropriate. Therefore, when instructing the AI, specify that the findings should be presented in continuous narrative text rather than as a list or bullet points.

For example, you might prompt the AI to “Describe the injuries in continuous narrative text, ensuring that each injury is detailed with specific measurements and descriptions of color, texture, and location.” This will help the AI produce continuous text

10. Provide Clear Instructions for Revisions

 If the AI’s output is unsatisfactory, provide clear instructions for revision, specifying what needs to be changed.


Prompt: “Revise the ‘External Examination’ section to remove any redundancies and ensure the description of injuries is clear and concise.”

AI Response: “Revised External Examination: The body is well-preserved with icteric skin and scattered scars…”

By following these rules and examples, you can guide AI to generate precise and professional autopsy reports that meet the stringent requirements of forensic documentation.

11. Guide the Tone and Formality

 Define the tone and level of formality. For autopsy reports, a formal, professional tone is required.


Prompt: “Write the report in a formal tone suitable for medical documentation, avoiding any informal language or speculation.”

AI Response: “The heart weighs 350 grams and shows no evidence of coronary artery disease. The lungs are congested and exude frothy pink fluid upon compression.”

12. Test and Refine:

Experiment with different prompts and refine them based on the results. Over time, you’ll better understand how to get the desired output.
